Thin Layer Chromatography for Compound Separation

On the other hand thin layer chromatography involves preparation of a plate of solid adsorbent on which differential adsorption brings about a separation of components of a mixture. The adsorbent material used in the process is silica gel 400-800 mesh size with or without binder. The binder employed is usually gypsum that helps the gel to adhere to the plates. For ultraviolet analysis fluorescence is added to non-coloured adsorbent material. 

The separation of the compounds on the plate is expressed as retention factor which denotes the distance travelled by the components. Thin layer chromatography is used to determine the purity of a substance, identify the components of a compound and observe the progress of a reaction. 

This is the easiest method available to a chemist to determine how many components are in a compound and how to purify them.  The method is used widely in organic chemistry. Silica gel that is mixed with binder is known as Silica Gel G TLC (gypsum added) while the one with fluorescence is known as Silica Gel GF254.   


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