Chromatography Adsorbents for Labs Chemical

The time which the compounds take to isolate from the mixture depends on the type of absorbent used and also the polarity of the solvent. If in case the absorbents works very fast while at the same time the polarity of the solvent is low, then the separation process consumes time, but the separated components are in its purest form. On the contrary, if the absorbent does not able to work fast while the solvent has high polarity, then the separation phase completes at a rapid speed, but the separation quality is very poor. So in this state we can say that the separated components are not in its purest form.

The advantage of using this technique over the other chromatography technique is that it uses less solvent and works faster with greater flexibility. The obtained result is obviously higher as compared to the other processes because of the fine particles of silica gel and aluminum oxide. This process of separating compounds is used in various fields like medical chemistry, separation of natural products, laboratories research and many more. In this method, the size of the absorbent particle affects the flow of solvent through the column. Finer the particles will be, higher mesh value it will have. 


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